
If you are reading this now, welcome to my new blog ... I was finally convinced by the evil doers, better known as Jessica and Samatha, to start a blog or else suffer the consequences because I never know who to email or who wants to hear from me ... so now, if you want to hear from me and the going ons of my life this is the place to be.

so i guess i need to update all yall who might be reading this ... i have now been in japan for well over a month, completely fluent and have been mistaken at least 5 times for a native japanese person, yes i am starting to take on the physical characteristics as well!!! okay, well not really, but you get the picture. i have been having a great time, eating lots of weird stuff - sometimes i really dont even want to know what im eating - and making lots of friends. the first two weeks here were spent on a study tour around honshu and kyushu. saw tons of shrines and temples, beautiful countryside, cherry blossoms, and most importantly ate a lot and drank a lot! new things that i have tried since coming to japan: lots of raw stuff (egg, tuna, tai, katsuo, otoro, chutoro, fish eggs, octopus, squid ... you name it, i have probably eaten it), nato, tororo (similar to nato), suzumi (in english terms, barbequed sparrow on a stick), nihonshu (sake), umeshu (my favorite), and lots of other stuff. Surprisingly my ability to like food has increased since coming here considering how picky i was in the states and now im pretty much a human garbage disposal.

after the honshu trip, met the host family and have been living with them ever since. it's just the dad and the mom, but they are really nice. they are 55 and pretty much speak entirely in japanese to me, my host dad knows a little english, but all in all, im forced to use my japanese a lot. they take me out to eat a lot - at least 2-4 times a week, which means i get to eat really good and expensive food. whoever said japanese people eat small portions lied!!! i thought i would be losing weight in this country, but if it weren't for the fact that i ride a bicycle to school everyday and exercise at school 3 times a week, i would probably be gaining weight! liars ... u are all liars! hehe.

anyways, i think i will blog later ... time to go get some food with one of the evil doers in odori park. oh yeah, i have a keitai (cell phone) that has email, so if you are feeling extremely angry at me for not emailing (i promise i will try) but want to take the initiative, my email on the phone is allichan@ezweb.ne.jp it vibrates when u send an email, so come one, send me one! ;)

also, i love you all and miss you all very much. having to do the whole registration thing is making me think of everyone at soka and home and just ahhhhhh.

ok, bye


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