
so had a big test on monday, got the results back yesterday and didnt do too bad. whats ironic is that on all of the past quizzes i have actually done really well, but on i totally bombed the grammar part of test and did really well on the listening, reading, and speaking part, so averaged out to a b. started a coukannikki (exchange journal) with one of my japanese friends, tomoko. basically its a journal that we write letters to each other in, and all in japanese. t started it yesterday and when i took it home to decipher, it only took me 2 hours to figure it all out ;) hehe, i only had to look up every other word and kanji, hehe, but its really good practice for me and its a fun way to get to know someone, but its crazy hard when you are doing it in another language man!!!! whats funny, is that it will only take her like 4 minutes to read my letter, hehe ... today is really warm, it is now 22 degrees celsius, which means about 71 degrees f which is damn hot for sapporo, but im ready for the warmth. i have had nothing but cold, snow, and rain for the last 5 months! my host mom is leavign for italy tomorrow for 10 days which means it will just be me and the dad. we've worked out this chat thing so that if we are not going to be home that night, we put in x on it so we know we are on our own for dinner. okaasan has tought me all about the kitchen and how to make the rice, and yakisoba, so i will survive. wish i were going to italy though! hehe. so what the heck is going with america right now? im watching the news everyday but its in japanese, so i dont really get it. just seeing some images of bush, and powell, and then american soldiers doing crazy shit in iraq and im just man, shit has hit the fan since i left and i cant tell whats going on! pebbles, u need to break out some of you conflict resolution on them! ;)

emotional part:
hmmm, what am i feeling today? irritated, you know when you lose something but you know it should be on the desk where you are positive you left it, but its mysteriously gone? sometimes i think our lives are just tv shows without us knowing it, and at some points they say cut and take one of the props and then action, and i have no idea where it went. they do it just to mess with us, i know it! im onto your games ... bwa haa haaaa!

gotta get to school now and do some work!

ok, bye :)


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