
help me!!!

so my arms are completely covered in what i think are mosquito bites and i cant stand it!!! i bought some benedrly any-itch gel stuff but it only works for like 2 minutes. i mean if u saw my arms i bet your mouth would just open in shock! its like the 2nd round of chicken pox or something, i guess i have sweet blood! oye - plus, get this. i am now reading nora roberts romance novels ... what has bishop done to me??!!! i tried reading somewhat academic stuff but it kept making me fall asleep. so i decided to just grab one of my moms books off the shelf and once i started i couldnt stop! and now im on my 2nd! im so pathetic but they are sooo funny! anyways, thats about it. try to make a trip into town once a day, cleaned house, and i watched the village today. i didnt think it was one shyamala's best works. been thinking about the future recently and ive decided i want to travel all over before settling down with a permanent job in the states. i think first i want to go japan, then maybe australia or new zealand, then maybe scotland and ireland. and all these places i want to actually work there and live there for a little bit, maybe like 3-6 months ... just to live a little. i want end up as one of those really cool teachers who always has tons of stories to tell and in order to do that, i gotta live right? but its kind of scary too. but also i figure its the best time to do it ... young, naieve, and willing to sacrifice the luxuries of life in order to live poor! hehe :) okay time for me to go bed and hopefully be put out of my itchy torture for 8 hours only to wake and take a shower which will only make it worse! ok, bye :)


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