
1.5 down and more to go

so, it's finally hit me that i will not be spending the rest of my life in a place where i never understand 100% of the time. i am acutally going home to a country that is completely different and yet alike in more ways than i thought. it doesnt help that there are 2 others here that want to go home sooooo bad ... i mean ive never met anyone who wanted to go home as much as they do. kind of sad i think, only 3.5 months that it would be beneficial to be open to a different culture, a different way of life, and yet being completely unopen about and stuck in the "american way" of life. but everyone is different right? to each man his own as long as they don't harm others.

i'm very happy with my time in japan. i've made some close friends, learned a little more japanese, learned a hell of a lot about myself, learned about american culture (as ironic as that seems but jess elaborated quite well on that topic i think), developed the ability to eat practically anything, and have gained a family. i guess i miss home, but i know i will miss japan a lot and my days are so few and yet planned to the max, which means they will go by so fast.

experiences and things not to forget:
mizu onegaishimasu (that one is for u sammi)
the differnce between slim and smart
people falling asleep standing up
fashin disasters (wait, maybe i want to forget that one)
remembering what its like to be the gaijin
no means yes when it comes to food and drink here
japanese party like no other!
quiet is okay
pretend to understand doesn't equal pera pera
random emails on the keitai
restaurant after restaurant after restaurant
losing to okaasantachi in any physical endeavor
bicycle riding
japan is freaking expensive!
moss burger strawberry shakes

okay, thats enough for now ... for those of you who i havent talked to much, know that i do think about u and will be bringing a little something from japan for u! friendships can survive anything as long as you continue to believe in them. so even over oceans and time spent not talking or in close proximity, the connection is still there! it's okay if we change and if relationships change, life isnt stagnant :) japan has definately taught me that, even if u cant understand eachother because of language barrier, u still experience the same emotions and thus connections! maybe, hehe

okay, bye :)


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