
always tired ...

so my host mom is soo cute! yesterday i got home earlier than usual and she was like, ahh, what are you doing home so early, then apologized (not sure why). told me that my host aunt was coming over soon and otousan wouldnt get home until a little later, then all of a sudden, otousan comes home and shes like ahhh ... everyone is coming home early today! then all of us went to bed at before 9:30 and me and her just laughed and it felt like just a normal conversation, felt very nice.

today, we discovered that in japanese, there is no difference in the way you would say "my teacher made me write a paper" and "my teacher let me write a paper" how annoying is that? i mean, made and let is such a huge nuance in english, how can it be so trivial in japanese, oye!

also found out that there are actually 30 SGI members at Hokusei (which is a christian university), thought that was ironic - got to meet one today and they have a "club" meeting on monday. sounds interesting.

all the japanese girls that came on the onsen trip with us (jessica mentioned them briefly) have now been coming up to the international center everyday since the trip, and i can definately tell the difference between young, 18 year old freshman girls and us. do girls voices get deeper as they get older? i sure hope so, because all i know is that is very high pitched during lunch now, and very crowded.

for once in my life, i finally feel like im getting to know myself - just a side note i thought i would share. for those who i dont see everyday, i miss you! actually looking forward to going home - next month ahhh!!! and starting school. for those who i see everyday, im glad your with me in japan :)


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