
crazy weird

so tonight we went over to my parents' friends house, and of course, we played some boulderdash. have you ever heard two answers that sound almost the same? probably. we would typically think that one of them must be the right one and one of the players just happened to know the definition of some crazy word. so tonight that happened. the word was whisersnavet, or something like that, and the definition i came up with was (probably because i had heard the definition before while playing a long time ago) the plastic cap at the ends of a shoelace. well, the answers are being read off and one of the other answers was, the plastic tube at the end of a shoelace. pretty darn similar right? in my mind i'm thinking, holy crap, did i really guess the right answer? i don't remember that word going with that definition, but by gollie i think i got it. hand on the back for me right? well low and behold, the answer was actuall a hard blow to the body. me, and my parents' friends' son (whom i had just met tonight), had thought of the exact same thing for the exact same word at the exact same time! pretty darn crazy weird! but we got all the points because everyone else thought it was it! ha!

on other news, i have a car in japan now! well going to buy it, all settled, i get it! nifty huh?


At 7:09 AM, Blogger JackandJel said...

that is a cool looking car. yippppeee! congrats!

in other news... regarding the balderdash game - i think it's fate. you should marry the whisersnavet dude. :P

hey does this mean you have a digital camera now?

At 8:47 PM, Blogger Pilipino Navarro said...

Hey Alli! Wow! That's so cool.. you already have a car there even before getting there. That's some good organization right there.

Hey... I moved my blog to: http://pilipinonavarro.blogspot.com.

I'll see you on friday in LA!!! Parteeeeyyy!


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