packing sucks!
yup it does ... packing sucks royally! at least when moving out of the dorm, you know you have to pack everything. and in my case, i didn't have to worry about weight limits or space or anything like that, because i could just stuff my car full of shiot and head home. now ... i'm limited by 2 suitcases and a carry on. i thought i would have problems with weight, but evidently it's difficult to pack my suitcases with more weight than i'm allotted, so no issues there. instead, now it's just about space and how to pack smartly. but i'm sending a huge box, i hope the post office doesn't look at me like i'm crazy and try to say that they don't ship things that size, but i checked! the dimensions cannot be more than 108 inches and can't weigh more than 66 pounds. my box's dimensions are like 77 inches and it weight 60 pounds. shouldn't be a problem right?
well anyways, starting to freak out about going to japan finally. it's all settling in, but still seems unreal. i kind of just want to hurry up and get there so i can get through this funky stage right now. the inbetween stage, the dude what i'm doing stage, the can't even read my harry potter because i don't have time stage :-P
oh yeah, my predecessor sent me 2 pictures of the inside of my house. as ann put it so well, they kind of look like picaso's because she stiched multiple pictures together in order to see the whole room. i'm excited, the place looks really nice and clean. can't wait to see it!!! well i guess you guys will have to wait to see it as well, for some reason they don't want to load :-P
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